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Foot Treatments & Procedures NYC

Bunion Surgery in Brooklyn

A bunion is a swelling or enlargement of the large toe joint on the inner side of the foot. The deformity usually develops gradually and will cause pain from shoes rubbing against the enlarged bone.


Corn Toes Deformities Treatment in Brooklyn

The body`s response to excessive amounts of pressure against the skin manifests itself by forming thick, hardened skin or corns. Corns are most often the result of an enlarged bone or bone spur pinching the pinching the skin against a shoe

Hammertoe Surgery in Brooklyn

A hammertoe is a flexible or rigid contrac­tion usually affecting the second, third, fourth or fifth toes. Most often a biome-chanical abnormality results in the larger muscles of the foot and leg.


Heel Spur Syndrome in Brooklyn

The heel bone or calcaneus is the largest bone in the foot and projects backward beyond the leg bones to provide a useful lever for the muscles of the calf. It bears all of the body`s weight with each step.


Toenail Fungas Treatment in Brooklyn

 Fungus nails can often be treated with the new oral 


Flatfoot Correction Surgery in Brooklyn

Adult “flatfoot” is a condition that causes flattening of the arch of the foot, and is another name for a collapsed arch. The arch in your foot supports you when you stand or walk.


Ankle Arthroscopy in Brooklyn

Ankle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat a wide range of injuries, disorders and conditions that affect the ankle.


Achilles Tendon Repair in Brooklyn



Foot X-Rays in Brooklyn

Help to diagnose foot pathologies and choose an appropriate procedure


Onsite Foot Surgeries in Brooklyn, NY

Surgeries can be performed in the office or in the state approved surgical center.


Foot Orthotics in Brooklyn

Custom made shoe inserts are provided for the patients with various deformities


Ingrown Toenails and Incurvated Nail in Brooklyn

This is a condition in which a portion of nail presses into the flesh, causing pain, redness and sometimes infection. If this condition is left untreated, an exaggerated swelling of the skin along the nail border.


Wart Doctor in Brooklyn



Haglund Deformity Surgery in Brooklyn

A Haglund`s deformity, also known as “pump bump” or Bauer bump, is a condition where a bony enlargement formson the back of the heel bone.


Calcaneal Osteotomy in Brooklyn

Flatfoot, or fallen arches, can cause pain in the feet, ankles, and knees; especially later in life.A calcaneal osteotomy is a controlled break of the heel bone.


Arthroereisis of Subtalar Joint in Brooklyn

Subtalar arthroereisis is a surgical procedure where a device is placed below the talus (ankle bone) with the intended function to limit excessive talar motion, as a means of treating flexible flatfoot.


Subungal Exostosis Doctor in Brooklyn

Sometimes deformed nails are associated with a small bone spur at the tip of the toe under the nail. This can cause considerable discomfort at the nail or beneath it.


Thickened Deformity Toenails in Brooklyn

This condition can stem from a nail fungus, nail injury or it may be inherited. Sometimes other diagnostic tests, such as a nail culture, could be required.


Mallet Toe Surgery in Brooklyn

A deformed toe is one of the more common conditions known to afflict the foot, whether it be a hammertoe, mallet toe or overlap­ping toe.


Overlapping Toe Procedure in Brooklyn

An overlapping toe is one that is malpositioned from birth or acquired over time. It often produces some abnormality in the tendon, ligaments or skin, many times producing painful corns.
